Четверг, 26 Март 2020 22:01


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Чистите и дезинфицируйте поверхности, используя бытовые моющие средства.

Гигиена рук - это важная мера профилактики распространения гриппа и коронавирусной инфекции. Мытье с мылом удаляет вирусы. Если нет возможности помыть руки с мылом, пользуйтесь спиртсодержащими или дезинфицирующими салфетками.

Чистка и регулярная дезинфекция поверхностей (столов, дверных ручек, стульев, гаджетов и др.) удаляет вирусы.


Вирусы передаются от больного человека к здоровому воздушно -капельным путем (при чихании, кашле), поэтому необходимо соблюдать расстояние не менее 1 метра от больных.

Избегайте трогать руками глаза, нос или рот. Вирус гриппа и коронавирус распространяются этими путями.

Надевайте маску или используйте другие подручные средства защиты, чтобы уменьшить риск заболевания.

При кашле, чихании следует прикрывать рот и нос одноразовыми салфетками, которые после использования нужно выбрасывать.

Избегая излишние поездки и посещения многолюдных мест, можно уменьшить риск заболевания.


Здоровый образ жизни повышает сопротивляемость организма к инфекции. Соблюдайте здоровый режим, включая полноценный сон, потребление пищевых продуктов богатых белками, витаминами и минеральными веществами, физическую активность.


Среди прочих средств профилактики особое место занимает ношение масок, благодаря которым ограничивается распространение вируса.

Медицинские маски для защиты органов дыхания используют:

- при посещении мест массового скопления людей, поездках в общественном транспорте в период роста заболеваемости острыми респираторными вирусными инфекциями;

- при уходе за больными острыми респираторными вирусными инфекциями;

- при общении с лицами с признаками острой респираторной вирусной инфекции;

- при рисках инфицирования другими инфекциями, передающимися воздушно-капельным путем.


Маски могут иметь разную конструкцию. Они могут быть одноразовыми или могут применяться многократно. Есть маски, которые служат 2, 4, 6 часов. Стоимость этих масок различная, из-за различной пропитки. Но нельзя все время носить одну и ту же маску, тем самым вы можете инфицировать дважды сами себя. Какой стороной внутрь носить медицинскую маску - непринципиально.

Чтобы обезопасить себя от заражения, крайне важно правильно ее носить:

- маска должна тщательно закрепляться, плотно закрывать рот и нос, не оставляя зазоров;

- старайтесь не касаться поверхностей маски при ее снятии, если вы ее коснулись, тщательно вымойте руки с мылом или спиртовым средством;

- влажную или отсыревшую маску следует сменить на новую, сухую;

- не используйте вторично одноразовую маску;

- использованную одноразовую маску следует немедленно выбросить в отходы.

При уходе за больным, после окончания контакта с заболевшим, маску следует немедленно снять. После снятия маски необходимо незамедлительно и тщательно вымыть руки.

Маска уместна, если вы находитесь в месте массового скопления людей, в общественном транспорте, а также при уходе за больным, но она нецелесообразна на открытом воздухе.

Во время пребывания на улице полезно дышать свежим воздухом и маску надевать не стоит.

Вместе с тем, медики напоминают, что эта одиночная мера не обеспечивает полной защиты от заболевания. Кроме ношения маски необходимо соблюдать другие профилактические меры.


Оставайтесь дома и срочно обращайтесь к врачу.

Следуйте предписаниям врача, соблюдайте постельный режим и пейте как можно больше жидкости.

КАКОВЫ СИМПТОМЫ ГРИППА/КОРОНАВИРУСНОЙ ИНФЕКЦИИ высокая температура тела, озноб, головная боль, слабость, заложенность носа, кашель, затрудненное дыхание, боли в мышцах, конъюнктивит. В некоторых случаях могут быть симптомы желудочно-кишечных расстройств: тошнота, рвота, диарея.


Среди осложнений лидирует вирусная пневмония. Ухудшение состояния при вирусной пневмонии идёт быстрыми темпами, и у многих пациентов уже в течение 24 часов развивается дыхательная недостаточность, требующая немедленной респираторной поддержки с механической вентиляцией лёгких. Быстро начатое лечение способствует облегчению степени тяжести болезни.



Вызовите врача.

Выделите больному отдельную комнату в доме. Если это невозможно, соблюдайте расстояние не менее 1 метра от больного.

Ограничьте до минимума контакт между больным и близкими, особенно детьми, пожилыми людьми и лицами, страдающими хроническими заболеваниями.

Часто проветривайте помещение.

Сохраняйте чистоту, как можно чаще мойте и дезинфицируйте поверхности бытовыми моющими средствами.

Часто мойте руки с мылом.

Ухаживая за больным, прикрывайте рот и нос маской или другими защитными средствами (платком, шарфом и др.). Ухаживать за больным должен только один член семьи.




Телефоны «горячих линий» по вопросам коронавируса



Министерство здравоохранения Республики Крым

с мобильного телефона 8 800 733 33 34; 8 800 733 33 12

(с 08-00 до 20-00 в рабочие дни)

cо стационарного телефона 0 800 733 33 34; 0 800 733 33 12

(с 08-00 до 20-00 в рабочие дни)

Министерство курортов и туризма Республики Крым

с мобильного телефона 8 800 511 80 18

cо стационарного телефона 0 800 511 80 18

Министерство образования, науки и молодежи Республики Крым




Центр реализации государственной образовательной политики и

информационных технологий

+7 (800) 200-91-85

(горячая линия методической поддержки учителей и

директоров школ по организации дистанционного обучения)

Министерство промышленной политики Республики Крым


Министерство транспорта Республики Крым


(3652) 54-56-76

Министерство труда и социальной защиты Республики Крым

(3652) 25-99-75

Межрегиональное управление Роспотребнадзора по Республике Крым и г. Севастополю


Единый консультационный центр Роспотребнадзора

8 800 555 49 43


Город Ялта


(3654) 239383

Территориальный отдел Роспотребнадзора


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    Online dating is a fantastic thing when you find a website or app that really works for you. With estimates as high as 8,000 dating sites available worldwide, however, it can be hard to discern which dating websites are complete wastes of time. In preparing for this Flirt.com review, I saw a very familiar template and knew exactly what I was looking at. Here’s a sneak peek:

    We like to do a lot of dating site reviews here at Beyond Ages to eliminate fake sites and time wasters. Since your online dating experience can only be as good as the website you use, it’s an important factor. By pointing you in the right direction with a detailed review, you can spend more time on actual dates. That’s how it’s meant to work, right?

    You need to be using at least one or two of the top dating apps right now if you want to get any real results. So many people exclusively look online now, thanks social distancing, that you can’t avoid it even if you want to. Fortunately there are a few great options out there for most people, you just need to do your research first.

    How we reviewed Flirt.com
    A lot of the reviews seem to cover the site based on a cursory glance. Rather than just talking about how the site looks and how I assume it would function, I want to go deeper.
    I’ll always set up a free profile, only filling out the mandatory fields at first. What I’m looking for here is to see if I’ll receive a bunch of inbox spam. Fake dating websites will often have a bunch of fake accounts that try to fool you into signing up for their premium service. Since no real user would message a blank profile, a busy inbox straight away means you’re seeing spambots.

    No matter how this turns out, I’ll then use the site for a week or two with this free account. I’ll add profile photos and complete my bio like normal. My aim is to set up as many dates as possible as a free user. I’m looking to see if it’s even possible and if so, how the experience compares to some of the more popular sites. After that, I move on to a paid account several weeks after that. I want to see if the premium perks make it any easier for me to set up dates.

    All in all, I end up with a far better understanding of what it’s like to actually use the site. This makes for a far more informative review. If I can save just one person from being scammed, all this effort is totally worthwhile.

    Every BeyondAges writer follows strict and verifiable guidelines. Unlike other dating sites, our reviews are always up-to-date and sourced by local experts–not rehashes of stuff you can find elsewhere.

    Methodology Description
    Rigorous Testing Conducting thorough reviews of dating apps and websites through extensive use over weeks/months.
    Anecdotal Experience Utilizing the practical experiences of a large team of dating and relationship coaches.
    Expertise Leveraging decades of practice in the dating scene to provide up-to-date and impactful advice. We balance subjectivity in an objective framework to give our readers a more wholistic frame of reference for modern dating.
    Continuous Learning Exploring new approaches to dating success to ensure advice remains relevant and effective. This includes out-of-the-box thinking to discover new trends and hacks.
    Online Focus We place a significant focus on how online dating and virtual communication affect modern dating dynamics. From apps, sites, chat rooms, video calls – we delve deep into the pros and cons.
    User Engagement Engaging with readers to comment and share their experiences to build a vibrant community, enhance trust, and ultimately create a better dating experience.
    Affiliate Disclaimer:
    At BeyondAges.com, some of our links are affiliate links, meaning we may earn a commission if you click on them and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. This does not influence our content; our opinions, reviews, and articles are based on objective analysis and remain unbiased.

    Please note that we do not directly sell products; our links lead to third-party websites with their own terms and policies. Your support through these links helps us maintain our site and continue delivering valuable content to our community.

    Thank you for trusting BeyondAges.com and being a part of our journey.

    Our Full Flirt.com Review: Fun or None?
    No need to hide the conclusion for this site all the way at the bottom. It’s part of a massive network of fake dating websites that seem to point back to TopOffers.com. If you’re not familiar with this network, I’d suggest reading through the rest of Flirt review anyway. The more you can understand and look out for these fake sites, the safer your credit card will be.

    AFF (which you can try for free) is one of the largest hookup sites out there right now and where we’ve seen guys especially get good results, which makes it Flirt.com’s biggest competitor. A great first step to any review is a brief comparison between the best option out there (AFF) and Flirt.

    So, below is a quick comparison so you can see how the two stack up.

    Our Recommendation
    In all honesty, Flirt.com disappoints on almost every front except usability. While the website’s layout is user-friendly and easy to navigate, it serves no real purpose when the only “women” I ended up conversing with turned out to be individuals located who knows where. Overall, my experience left much to be desired.

    The initial giveaway was the profiles themselves. Most of the profiles I encountered were nearly empty, containing only basic information. I frequently encountered profiles of women seeking men aged 18-96, which deviates from the norm where most dating apps feature users with more specific criteria for potential matches.

    Here is a screenshot of the typical interactions I experienced with users who messaged me. In my experience, nobody initiates a conversation like this. Typically, women would begin with a simple “hi,” “hello,” or a comment about your profile. However, the messages I received from Flirt.com users appeared to be generated by bots. It immediately put me on guard, signaling that I was dealing with a low-quality site primarily focused on coaxing users into subscribing to their premium services.

    Questionable message 1

    Questionable message 2

    When you compare it to the top sites out there now, like AFF, it looks even worse.

    I was looking for a hookup, so I used AFF instead. They boast over 60 million (real) users and are specifically targeted at hookups. I can send a handful of messages and expect a few replies even if my messages might be branded as “generic”. It’s infinitely better than giving this dodgy network your hard-earned money.

    If AFF doesn’t do it for you, we recently reviewed all of the top dating apps and websites out there. Have a look through that list and see what appeals to you most.

    How Did I Recognize That This Site Was Suspicious?
    After spending extensive time writing detailed dating site reviews, I’ve become acquainted with larger networks in the industry. In the case of TopOffers, a significant portion of their websites seems to share the same template and tactics. I’ve examined and reviewed these sites, and I could quickly discern that Flirt.com was just another site in their lineup of subpar dating platforms. Take a look at the five other sites within their network, and you’ll notice the striking similarity. As evident, Flirt.com closely resembles them as well.

    Site design similar to other sites
    Site design similar to other sites

    Other sites with a similar design

    They seem to register a collection of cringe domain names like “Shagaholic.com” then duplicate the site over and over. About the only thing that really changes is the color scheme, honestly. So, the moment I logged into with my free account I knew exactly what to expect and I wasn’t surprised.

    hey seem to register an array of cringe-worthy domain names like “Shagaholic.com” and replicate the same site repeatedly. The primary difference typically lies in the color scheme. Consequently, the moment I logged into my free account, I immediately recognized what to expect, and I was far from surprised.

    What Is This “Top Offers” You Keep Mentioning? As I delved deeper into writing more dating site reviews, I began noticing recurring names in the footer. The more closely I examined, the more connections I unearthed. It turns out this network comprises a whopping 218 fake dating websites! Most of these fall under one of six shell companies:

    Bulova Invest Ltd
    Together Networks Holdings Limited
    Nelfor Services Limited
    Timespace Holdings Limited
    Kingsrock Holdings Ltd
    Northlock Holdings Ltd
    If you ever encounter any of these names in a dating website’s footer, it’s time to cancel your account. In my years of scrutinizing dating sites, I knew that any site affiliated with these companies would adopt the same template, employ the same tactics, and ultimately disappoint users—no meaningful connections, money wasted, and the looming concern that my credit card details might be misused.

    What Makes These Sites So Dubious?
    A legitimate question indeed and one that deserves an answer. In essence, nothing about the 218 sites within their network is genuine, but they employ tactics to feign authenticity. I would incessantly receive messages from profiles on the site, but they were all either hidden behind a paywall or required payment to reply. These would typically be flirtatious messages from bots aiming to deceive me into subscribing to a premium account. With any site resorting to such tactics, I could never recommend divulging your credit card information.

    What makes these sites so bad?
    This is a fair question and an important one to answer. In short, nothing about the 218 sites in their network are legitimate, but they use tactics to pretend otherwise. I would constantly receive messages from profiles on the site but they’re all behind a paywall or I had to pay to reply. These will be flirty messages from a bot that tried to trick me into paying for a premium account. With any site that’s going to use tactics like these, I could never suggest handing over your credit card information.

    Conversation behind a paywall
    Conversation behind a paywall

    Moreover, as I discovered in my Flirt review, they will utilize your information to populate their other websites as well. They replicate your profile on other dubious “dating” platforms, making you unwittingly endorse their bots.

    It’s essentially a colossal affiliate network—where you are the product. As the saying goes, “If you’re not paying for it, you’re the product.”

    My Advice: The moment you encounter this template and receive suspicious messages from “users” claiming to be single women interested in meeting up, run. Be vigilant for messages that feel inauthentic. While users on this site may appear overly eager to interact, exercise caution. Chances are, they are merely trying to coax you into subscribing without any assurance of an actual meetup.

    Instead of squandering your time on sites like Flirt.com, I recommend opting for a more trustworthy dating platform. If you’re seeking hookups, I suggest using Adult FriendFinder (AFF). In my experience, no other platform surpasses AFF when it comes to facilitating casual encounters. Unlike Tinder, where your profile picture often dictates your entire experience, AFF places a more significant emphasis on genuine sexual chemistry. Furthermore, you have the advantage of filtering users based on your preferences, ensuring you find plenty of singles who align with your desires. Need more details? Check out our full review of Adult FriendFinder to know more about why we always recommend this site!

    Between Adult FriendFinder and Flirt.com, the choice is clear, and I wholeheartedly endorse AFF. I believe you should too!

    Learn More about Fake Dating Sites with Beyond Ages:
    Want to learn more about more fake dating sites like Flirt.com? Read our popular guide, The List of Fake Dating Sites You Should Avoid, and learn about some commonly-known and not-so-commonly-known scam sites out there:

    Author: Tom Senkus, Dating And Relationship Expert

    Excerpt: “Scammer dating sites often use overly attractive profiles to entice users. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.

    There are a couple of signs to look for when screening overly attractive profiles:

    All of their photos look professional and possibly sourced from a modeling agency

    None of their photos have local landmarks or locations that match their stated location

    Their profile has “salesy” language that seems to be flattering to the reader without any specifics (“I’m looking for an older man that’s looking to settle down…”)

    Their profile seems to be generated by AI (artificial intelligence)

    Overtly sexual language meant to entice users

    Sales funnels like OnlyFans or contacting on alternative messaging platforms (like Snapchat for trading pics)

    A large difference between the quality of profiles for legitimate profiles versus ones you suspect to be fake. Not to be negative, but exceptionally model-tier attractive people tend to not use dating apps regularly (or they use exclusive luxury dating apps,). If you find too many attractive women on a relatively new app, for instance, you can reasonably assume that the developers are “padding” the available matches.”

    Expert Publications on Online Dating Site Scams
    The rabbit hole goes deep when it comes to online dating scams and the behavior of vast criminal networks around the world. If you’re curious to learn more about avoiding scams, there are plenty of academic studies where you can learn about which scams are more prevalent, how sites are attempting to prevent illegal/manipulative behavior, and more:

    Ignatius Hua Nyam – Lecturer, Department of Liberal Studies/Directorate of Policing Training Nigeria Police Academy, Wudil-Kano State- Nigeria

    “There are several reasons behind the propagation of online scams. An individual’s greed of sharing the wealth with a specificwealthy online partner is one of the reasons. Poverty also drives desperate individuals into cybercrime that involves romance scams. Some victims are affected because they did not know any better. While their desire to have emotional attachment trap others.

    Chenyang Wang

    “In an era of widespread mass marketing scams on the Internet, many victims have reported varying degrees of financial loss and psychological damage after encountering lottery scams and advance payment scams. Among them, the emotional damage to victims of online dating scams may be even more severe because the whole scam process involves mental attachment, sexual abuse, and relationship breakdown. There is little help and support for victims throughout the scam process and even after the scam is over, which not only makes it difficult for victims to get timely and professional assistance after experiencing online scams, but victims even run the risk of being scammed by criminals again afterward, so timely help and professional psychological treatment for victims is of positive significance. In previous studies, there are fewer reports summarizing and analyzing the psychological conditions of victims.”

    Fangzhou Wang, Assistant Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of Texas at Arlington

    “Our observations indicate that scammers not only diversify their approaches to prompt more responses, such as appealing to their romantic relationships, asking for identifying information and requesting victims switch to private chat platforms, but they also use several techniques for getting victims to overcome their misgivings about sending the scammers more money. For example, scammers subtly persuade victims to see themselves as holding more power in the interaction than they do.”

    What’s your experience been like using Flirt? Comment below and share your experience with the BeyondAges community.
    Pros and cons
    No matter how dubious a site may be, there are usually some redeeming aspects. In the case of Flirt.com, however, the “positives” come off as thinly veiled criticisms:

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    Online dating is a fantastic thing when you find a website or app that really works for you. With estimates as high as 8,000 dating sites available worldwide, however, it can be hard to discern which dating websites are complete wastes of time. In preparing for this Flirt.com review, I saw a very familiar template and knew exactly what I was looking at. Here’s a sneak peek:

    We like to do a lot of dating site reviews here at Beyond Ages to eliminate fake sites and time wasters. Since your online dating experience can only be as good as the website you use, it’s an important factor. By pointing you in the right direction with a detailed review, you can spend more time on actual dates. That’s how it’s meant to work, right?

    You need to be using at least one or two of the top dating apps right now if you want to get any real results. So many people exclusively look online now, thanks social distancing, that you can’t avoid it even if you want to. Fortunately there are a few great options out there for most people, you just need to do your research first.

    How we reviewed Flirt.com
    A lot of the reviews seem to cover the site based on a cursory glance. Rather than just talking about how the site looks and how I assume it would function, I want to go deeper.
    I’ll always set up a free profile, only filling out the mandatory fields at first. What I’m looking for here is to see if I’ll receive a bunch of inbox spam. Fake dating websites will often have a bunch of fake accounts that try to fool you into signing up for their premium service. Since no real user would message a blank profile, a busy inbox straight away means you’re seeing spambots.

    No matter how this turns out, I’ll then use the site for a week or two with this free account. I’ll add profile photos and complete my bio like normal. My aim is to set up as many dates as possible as a free user. I’m looking to see if it’s even possible and if so, how the experience compares to some of the more popular sites. After that, I move on to a paid account several weeks after that. I want to see if the premium perks make it any easier for me to set up dates.

    All in all, I end up with a far better understanding of what it’s like to actually use the site. This makes for a far more informative review. If I can save just one person from being scammed, all this effort is totally worthwhile.

    Every BeyondAges writer follows strict and verifiable guidelines. Unlike other dating sites, our reviews are always up-to-date and sourced by local experts–not rehashes of stuff you can find elsewhere.

    Methodology Description
    Rigorous Testing Conducting thorough reviews of dating apps and websites through extensive use over weeks/months.
    Anecdotal Experience Utilizing the practical experiences of a large team of dating and relationship coaches.
    Expertise Leveraging decades of practice in the dating scene to provide up-to-date and impactful advice. We balance subjectivity in an objective framework to give our readers a more wholistic frame of reference for modern dating.
    Continuous Learning Exploring new approaches to dating success to ensure advice remains relevant and effective. This includes out-of-the-box thinking to discover new trends and hacks.
    Online Focus We place a significant focus on how online dating and virtual communication affect modern dating dynamics. From apps, sites, chat rooms, video calls – we delve deep into the pros and cons.
    User Engagement Engaging with readers to comment and share their experiences to build a vibrant community, enhance trust, and ultimately create a better dating experience.
    Affiliate Disclaimer:
    At BeyondAges.com, some of our links are affiliate links, meaning we may earn a commission if you click on them and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. This does not influence our content; our opinions, reviews, and articles are based on objective analysis and remain unbiased.

    Please note that we do not directly sell products; our links lead to third-party websites with their own terms and policies. Your support through these links helps us maintain our site and continue delivering valuable content to our community.

    Thank you for trusting BeyondAges.com and being a part of our journey.

    Our Full Flirt.com Review: Fun or None?
    No need to hide the conclusion for this site all the way at the bottom. It’s part of a massive network of fake dating websites that seem to point back to TopOffers.com. If you’re not familiar with this network, I’d suggest reading through the rest of Flirt review anyway. The more you can understand and look out for these fake sites, the safer your credit card will be.

    AFF (which you can try for free) is one of the largest hookup sites out there right now and where we’ve seen guys especially get good results, which makes it Flirt.com’s biggest competitor. A great first step to any review is a brief comparison between the best option out there (AFF) and Flirt.

    So, below is a quick comparison so you can see how the two stack up.

    Our Recommendation
    In all honesty, Flirt.com disappoints on almost every front except usability. While the website’s layout is user-friendly and easy to navigate, it serves no real purpose when the only “women” I ended up conversing with turned out to be individuals located who knows where. Overall, my experience left much to be desired.

    The initial giveaway was the profiles themselves. Most of the profiles I encountered were nearly empty, containing only basic information. I frequently encountered profiles of women seeking men aged 18-96, which deviates from the norm where most dating apps feature users with more specific criteria for potential matches.

    Here is a screenshot of the typical interactions I experienced with users who messaged me. In my experience, nobody initiates a conversation like this. Typically, women would begin with a simple “hi,” “hello,” or a comment about your profile. However, the messages I received from Flirt.com users appeared to be generated by bots. It immediately put me on guard, signaling that I was dealing with a low-quality site primarily focused on coaxing users into subscribing to their premium services.

    Questionable message 1

    Questionable message 2

    When you compare it to the top sites out there now, like AFF, it looks even worse.

    I was looking for a hookup, so I used AFF instead. They boast over 60 million (real) users and are specifically targeted at hookups. I can send a handful of messages and expect a few replies even if my messages might be branded as “generic”. It’s infinitely better than giving this dodgy network your hard-earned money.

    If AFF doesn’t do it for you, we recently reviewed all of the top dating apps and websites out there. Have a look through that list and see what appeals to you most.

    How Did I Recognize That This Site Was Suspicious?
    After spending extensive time writing detailed dating site reviews, I’ve become acquainted with larger networks in the industry. In the case of TopOffers, a significant portion of their websites seems to share the same template and tactics. I’ve examined and reviewed these sites, and I could quickly discern that Flirt.com was just another site in their lineup of subpar dating platforms. Take a look at the five other sites within their network, and you’ll notice the striking similarity. As evident, Flirt.com closely resembles them as well.

    Site design similar to other sites
    Site design similar to other sites

    Other sites with a similar design

    They seem to register a collection of cringe domain names like “Shagaholic.com” then duplicate the site over and over. About the only thing that really changes is the color scheme, honestly. So, the moment I logged into with my free account I knew exactly what to expect and I wasn’t surprised.

    hey seem to register an array of cringe-worthy domain names like “Shagaholic.com” and replicate the same site repeatedly. The primary difference typically lies in the color scheme. Consequently, the moment I logged into my free account, I immediately recognized what to expect, and I was far from surprised.

    What Is This “Top Offers” You Keep Mentioning? As I delved deeper into writing more dating site reviews, I began noticing recurring names in the footer. The more closely I examined, the more connections I unearthed. It turns out this network comprises a whopping 218 fake dating websites! Most of these fall under one of six shell companies:

    Bulova Invest Ltd
    Together Networks Holdings Limited
    Nelfor Services Limited
    Timespace Holdings Limited
    Kingsrock Holdings Ltd
    Northlock Holdings Ltd
    If you ever encounter any of these names in a dating website’s footer, it’s time to cancel your account. In my years of scrutinizing dating sites, I knew that any site affiliated with these companies would adopt the same template, employ the same tactics, and ultimately disappoint users—no meaningful connections, money wasted, and the looming concern that my credit card details might be misused.

    What Makes These Sites So Dubious?
    A legitimate question indeed and one that deserves an answer. In essence, nothing about the 218 sites within their network is genuine, but they employ tactics to feign authenticity. I would incessantly receive messages from profiles on the site, but they were all either hidden behind a paywall or required payment to reply. These would typically be flirtatious messages from bots aiming to deceive me into subscribing to a premium account. With any site resorting to such tactics, I could never recommend divulging your credit card information.

    What makes these sites so bad?
    This is a fair question and an important one to answer. In short, nothing about the 218 sites in their network are legitimate, but they use tactics to pretend otherwise. I would constantly receive messages from profiles on the site but they’re all behind a paywall or I had to pay to reply. These will be flirty messages from a bot that tried to trick me into paying for a premium account. With any site that’s going to use tactics like these, I could never suggest handing over your credit card information.

    Conversation behind a paywall
    Conversation behind a paywall

    Moreover, as I discovered in my Flirt review, they will utilize your information to populate their other websites as well. They replicate your profile on other dubious “dating” platforms, making you unwittingly endorse their bots.

    It’s essentially a colossal affiliate network—where you are the product. As the saying goes, “If you’re not paying for it, you’re the product.”

    My Advice: The moment you encounter this template and receive suspicious messages from “users” claiming to be single women interested in meeting up, run. Be vigilant for messages that feel inauthentic. While users on this site may appear overly eager to interact, exercise caution. Chances are, they are merely trying to coax you into subscribing without any assurance of an actual meetup.

    Instead of squandering your time on sites like Flirt.com, I recommend opting for a more trustworthy dating platform. If you’re seeking hookups, I suggest using Adult FriendFinder (AFF). In my experience, no other platform surpasses AFF when it comes to facilitating casual encounters. Unlike Tinder, where your profile picture often dictates your entire experience, AFF places a more significant emphasis on genuine sexual chemistry. Furthermore, you have the advantage of filtering users based on your preferences, ensuring you find plenty of singles who align with your desires. Need more details? Check out our full review of Adult FriendFinder to know more about why we always recommend this site!

    Between Adult FriendFinder and Flirt.com, the choice is clear, and I wholeheartedly endorse AFF. I believe you should too!

    Learn More about Fake Dating Sites with Beyond Ages:
    Want to learn more about more fake dating sites like Flirt.com? Read our popular guide, The List of Fake Dating Sites You Should Avoid, and learn about some commonly-known and not-so-commonly-known scam sites out there:

    Author: Tom Senkus, Dating And Relationship Expert

    Excerpt: “Scammer dating sites often use overly attractive profiles to entice users. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.

    There are a couple of signs to look for when screening overly attractive profiles:

    All of their photos look professional and possibly sourced from a modeling agency

    None of their photos have local landmarks or locations that match their stated location

    Their profile has “salesy” language that seems to be flattering to the reader without any specifics (“I’m looking for an older man that’s looking to settle down…”)

    Their profile seems to be generated by AI (artificial intelligence)

    Overtly sexual language meant to entice users

    Sales funnels like OnlyFans or contacting on alternative messaging platforms (like Snapchat for trading pics)

    A large difference between the quality of profiles for legitimate profiles versus ones you suspect to be fake. Not to be negative, but exceptionally model-tier attractive people tend to not use dating apps regularly (or they use exclusive luxury dating apps,). If you find too many attractive women on a relatively new app, for instance, you can reasonably assume that the developers are “padding” the available matches.”

    Expert Publications on Online Dating Site Scams
    The rabbit hole goes deep when it comes to online dating scams and the behavior of vast criminal networks around the world. If you’re curious to learn more about avoiding scams, there are plenty of academic studies where you can learn about which scams are more prevalent, how sites are attempting to prevent illegal/manipulative behavior, and more:

    Ignatius Hua Nyam – Lecturer, Department of Liberal Studies/Directorate of Policing Training Nigeria Police Academy, Wudil-Kano State- Nigeria

    “There are several reasons behind the propagation of online scams. An individual’s greed of sharing the wealth with a specificwealthy online partner is one of the reasons. Poverty also drives desperate individuals into cybercrime that involves romance scams. Some victims are affected because they did not know any better. While their desire to have emotional attachment trap others.

    Chenyang Wang

    “In an era of widespread mass marketing scams on the Internet, many victims have reported varying degrees of financial loss and psychological damage after encountering lottery scams and advance payment scams. Among them, the emotional damage to victims of online dating scams may be even more severe because the whole scam process involves mental attachment, sexual abuse, and relationship breakdown. There is little help and support for victims throughout the scam process and even after the scam is over, which not only makes it difficult for victims to get timely and professional assistance after experiencing online scams, but victims even run the risk of being scammed by criminals again afterward, so timely help and professional psychological treatment for victims is of positive significance. In previous studies, there are fewer reports summarizing and analyzing the psychological conditions of victims.”

    Fangzhou Wang, Assistant Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of Texas at Arlington

    “Our observations indicate that scammers not only diversify their approaches to prompt more responses, such as appealing to their romantic relationships, asking for identifying information and requesting victims switch to private chat platforms, but they also use several techniques for getting victims to overcome their misgivings about sending the scammers more money. For example, scammers subtly persuade victims to see themselves as holding more power in the interaction than they do.”

    What’s your experience been like using Flirt? Comment below and share your experience with the BeyondAges community.
    Pros and cons
    No matter how dubious a site may be, there are usually some redeeming aspects. In the case of Flirt.com, however, the “positives” come off as thinly veiled criticisms:

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